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Family Involvement

Echo Mountain Intermediate School welcomes the active participation of parents, grandparents and community members. We believe that children flourish in an academic environment that unites home and school. This supports student enrichment and achievement with a goal of providing the best possible education for each student.

A wide range of volunteer opportunities are available for those who have the time and desire to serve. Or, perhaps you may wish to consider a career in education. As a district we believe all students can achieve. It just takes quality educators to guarantee our students receive the highest quality education.

Booster Club

Throughout the year, fliers and a newsletter will also be sent home with your children to keep you informed about current and upcoming Booster Club functions and projects.

At Echo Mountain, parents are a key component in our learning community. Our Echo Mountain Booster Club is similar in concept to a PTSA organization. This is one way you can be involved in the EMIS Community. We look forward to seeing you on our campus. 

We invite you to become involved with your Booster Club, an organization concerned about the children at Echo Mountain. The success of this association depends upon its members and their input. We need your support through membership, as well as your skills and volunteer time. Parents, grandparents, staff and other community members are needed in order to make our Booster Club run smoothly. Please join Echo Mountain Booster Club and help make this year the best it can be.

United Parent Council (UPC)

UPC is a district-wide parent group that has been active in Paradise Valley Unified School District for more than 30 years and is a 501(c)(3) organization. Looking out for the interest of students is our primary goal. We do this by offering parents support, information, and opportunities to be influential voices in the decisions that affect their children's education.

Learn More About UPC