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Media Center

Rams Love Their Media Center and Tech Labs!

As one of the few schools in the area to offer full-time instruction in both Media and Technology, EMIS shares our Media and Technology services with the entire community of Echo Mountain Primary and Intermediate Schools. 

Echo Mountain Intermediate School is home to two Media Centers housed between both Echo Mountain Primary and Intermediate Schools. This flexibility allows us to offer over 20,000 books to our two school populations. Having two Media Centers allows us to keep books more appropriate for intermediate students at one branch location. Simply put, we offer an entire library of titles geared just for intermediate students! 

However, to meet the needs of lower-level readers, intermediate students also have access (by teacher permission) to the entire collection of titles housed at our Echo Mountain Primary Media Center. This ensures that all readers will find books at their reading and interest levels. 

Our Media Center is a place where students can enjoy engaging with great literature through the sharing of read-aloud stories, finding the book that is just right for them, and increasing their reading ability through the use of Accelerated Reader in 4th, 5th and 6th grades – with some great prizes for reading!

In addition, Echo Mountain offers five computer labs between both campus. Our technology instruction focuses on the use of technology to enhance classroom learning, as well as developing keyboarding skills and learning the basics of computer coding. As students progress in their use of technology, instruction turns to the use of technology as a tool of creativity. All students are instructed in the safe and ethical use of technology.

Love to Read?

We're proud to offer a variety of library resources for our students – both in hard copy and as eBooks. We use a system called Follett Destiny for library (media center) resources.

Destiny Discover (sometimes called Follett Destiny) is our web-based library catalog and resource that can be used on any device that is connected to the internet. It allows students, staff, and families to:

  • See all of the books — both hard copies in print and digital eBooks — available in our library system.
  • View book information, including copies available, a description of the book, reading level, and reviews.
  • See suggestions of related subjects.
  • Make a list of book selections.
  • Create a bibliography from a book list with the touch of a button.
  • Write reviews.
  • View your student's Destiny account, which includes materials from both the library and the bookstore allowing families to access check-out history.

To find out what's available in our library:


You can explore Destiny Discover as a guest to see book titles available, or you can log in using a student single sign-on account.

Accessing Student Library History

If you would like to access your child's library history, visit Destiny Discover or contact your school's media center. 

Accessing Check-out History: 
  1. Once in Destiny Discover, click “Login” located in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select “Single Sign On” as the option to sign in.
  3. Log in with the authentication portal using your child's PVSchools username and password. Once logged in, you should see your child's name in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the “My Stuff” option and then choose “History” to view your child's check-out history.